Wisdom Entrepreneurship is a wonderful idea. Carol Ross has been providing help and inspiration on her exciting blog,
A Bigger Voice. She interviewed me a few weeks ago and recently posted
part I of a talk with me about the origins of my book
Improv Wisdom. Thanks, Carol. If you go to listen take some time to explore her blog as it is chocked full of great ideas.
Today, March 11, 2009 Carol Ross posted
Part II of my interview. In this section I talk about how Improv Wisdom has been used by those coaching Alzheimer's caregivers and by a women who woke up from a coma. She discovered that all she could do was improvise! And now,
Part III of my interview. Moving into action is the theme. I would like to thank Carol for her initiative in making this interview happen. Clearly SHE is one of the new "wisdom entrepreneurs." I salute you, Carol!